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Water-Year Summary for Site 50048570
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum recorded, 32.4 °C Oct. 23, 2021 ; minimum recorded, 25.7 °C Jan 5, 2021.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum recorded 385 µS/cm April 27, 2021; minimum recorded 298 µS/cm on Nov. 27, 2021.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum recorded, 8.7 mg/L on July 5, 2021; minimum recorded 0.3 mg/L on Nov. 13, 2020.
pH: Maximum recorded, 8.4 pH Units on June 17, 2021; minimum recorded, 7.4 pH Units on Oct. 30, 2021.
Turbidity: Maximum recorded, 63.5 FNU on Sept. 24, 2021; minimum recorded, -0.2 FNU on April 8, 2021.
Data Collection Platform with a Satlink 3, multi-communications logger-transmitter and EXO2 multiparameter sonde 19M101362. The Gage house approximated dimensions are, a Metal Shelter of 2' x 3' x 3’ with a PVC 6 inch and +/- 25 ft from gage to the lake. The Gage height is recorded by a submersible pressure transducer. Continuous water quality monitor is installed to collects Temperature, Specific Conductance, pH, Dissolved oxygen, and Turbidity data.