USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 37°16'45", long 107°52'47" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec.20, T.35 N., R.9 W., La Plata County, CO, Hydrologic Unit 14080104, on left bank at abandoned power plant at Durango, 0.8 mi upstream from Lightner Creek.
DRAINAGE AREA - 701 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 929: 1927(M). WSP 1243: 1911, 1918(M). WSP 1563: 1911-25 (monthly figures only). WDR-US-2011: Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - July to December 1895, April 1896 to December 1898, April 1899 to December 1900, March to August 1901 (gage heights and discharge measurements only), April to November 1902, March to April 1903 (gage heights only, erroneously stated as discredited in WSP 1563), May to October 1903, July 1904 to December 1905, January to December 1910 (gage heights only), January to September 1911, January 1912 to current year. Monthly or yearly discharge only for some periods, published in WSP 1313.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder with satellite telemetry. Datum of gage is 6,501.57 ft. above NGVD of 1929. See WSP 1713 or 1733 for history of changes prior to Mar. 2, 1921.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum stage since at least 1885 that of Oct. 5, 1911 at present site and datum.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 25,000 ft³/s, Oct. 5, 1911, from rating curve extended above 13,000 ft³/s, gage height, 11.00 ft, present site and datum.