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Water-Year Summary for Site 07239700
10/01/2022 - 9/30/2023: records fair.
Quality of data for other periods can be obtained by contacting the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center.
Some regulation by Fort Supply Lake (station 07236500) for period May 1942 to April 1948 and by Canton Lake (station 07238500) thereafter.
WATER TEMPERATURE: November 1999 to current year.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: November 1999 to current year.
Accuracy rating of the record for the 2023 Water Year:
WATER TEMPERATURE: Excellent; some deletions were applied. Some data loss occurred. The sensor underwent NIST checks on a quarterly basis, and one EWI cross-section survey was completed within this water year.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTIVITY: Good; heavy spike deletions and multiple data gaps occurred. Four fouling corrections and no calibration corrections were required throughout the year. One EWI cross-section survey was completed within this water year.
Heavy spiking for specific conductivity occurred throughout this period and is believed to be related to lower gage height values. Values have been analyzed to the best of our ability to differentiate between what are spikes vs. what are reasonable/valuable data points.Quality of data for other periods can be obtained by contacting the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center.
Maximum 38.5°C on 8/3/2011
Minimum -0.2°C on 12/24/2009, 1/7/2010, & 1/9/2010
Maximum 2192 on 8/16/2022
Minimum 126 µS/cm on 9/19/2002