USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 35°34'23", long 95°04'07" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in NE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec.27, T.13 N., R.21 E., Sequoyah County, OK, Hydrologic Unit 11110103, on right bank 4.2 mi downstream from Tenkiller Ferry Dam, 4.5 mi northeast of Gore, and at mile 8.5.
DRAINAGE AREA - 1,615 mi². From automated delineation using 10-meter National Elevation Dataset digital elevation model data dated 10/01/2006 and Watershed Boundary Dataset dated 10/01/2006, using Albers Equal-Area Projection, North American Datum 1983.
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR 2012: Drainage area.
Revised Periods: Web-online only, temperature data April 26, 2012 to May 9, 2012.
PERIOD OF RECORD - March 1924 to April 1926, April 1939 to current year. Monthly discharge only for some periods, published in WSP 1311.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' satellite telemeter at station. Datum of gage is 468.49 feet above NAVD88. Current datum was determined by a GNSS Level III survey REF FRAME: NAD_83(2011)(EPOCH:2010.0000) ITRF2014 (EPOCH:2020.4392)[NAVD88 (Computed using GEOID18)] and tied to a locally set GNSS Hub. Prior to 10/01/2021 the datum in use was 468.00 feet above NGVD 1929. See WSP 1921 for history of changes prior to Feb. 19, 1952. Feb. 19, 1952 to Aug. 15, 1989, gage at same site and datum 5.00 ft higher. 16 mile sq. intervening area, flow completely regulated since July 1952 by Tenkiller Ferry Lake.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 180,000 ft³/s, May 11, 1950, from rating curve extended above 42,000 ft³/s by velocity area.
Maximum gage height, 34.6 ft, May 11, 1950, from floodmark, present site and datum.
WATER TEMPERATURE: October 1947 to September 1948, October 1953 to September 1963, October 1992 to September 1999. October 2010 to current year.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: October 1947 to September 1948, October 1953 to September 1963 (discontinued).
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: July 2011 to current year.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum 26.28°C, May 22, 2017; minimum 0.2°C Mar. 2-3, 2014.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum daily 396 microsiemens, Aug. 12, 1956; minimum daily 123 microsiemens, July 14, 1957 (discontinued 1963).
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum recorded 18.1 mg/L, April 30, 2015; minimum recorded 0.8 mg/L, Oct. 4, 12, 13, 20, 2013.