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Water-Year Summary for Site 06893820
Interruptions or periods of missing record may be due to instrument failure, ice conditions, no flow conditions, or data corrections exceeding allowable criteria, which were deleted.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: For Water Year 2019, record is rated excellent, except for the following periods: Dec 31 - Feb 14, Apr 8-11, May 3-4, Sept 3-8, rated good; May 15, Sept 9, rated poor.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: For Water Year 2019, record is rated excellent, except for the following periods: Dec 31 - Feb 14, Mar 11 - Apr 11, May 7-14; Jul 10-11, Jul 29 - Aug 16, Aug 22-26, Sept 6, rated good; Sept 23-30, rated fair; May 15, Sept 9, rated poor.
TURBIDITY: For Water Year 2019, record is rated excellent, except for the following periods: May 3, 22-24, Sept 24-25, 27, rated fair; May 1-2, Aug 7-8, Sept 9, rated poor.
As of May 3, 2016, turbidity data collected using YSI EXO2 sensors (previously collected using YSI 6136 6-series sensors). Note that extreme values recorded using YSI EXO2 sensors may exceed those previously recorded using YSI 6136 sensors. Manufacturer specifications of range and accuracy for both sensor models are as follows: YSI 6136: 0 to 1000 FNU, ±2% of the reading or 0.3 NTU (whichever is greater). YSI EXO2: 0 to 999 FNU: 0.3 FNU or ±2% of reading (whichever is greater); 1000 to 4000 FNU: ±5% of reading.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum recorded, 2,630 uS/cm, Jan 17, 2017; minimum recorded, 114 uS/cm, Sep 19, 2013.
pH: Maximum recorded, 8.8 standard units, Apr 13, 2011; minimum recorded, 7.2 standard units, Oct 31, 2013, but may have been lower during periods of missing record.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum recorded, 35.5 °C, Jul 29, 2011; minimum recorded, -0.1 °C, several days, 2009, 2010, Feb 14, 2011, Feb 12, 2012, Feb 1-2, 27, 2013, several days, 2014, several days, Dec - Jan., 2015, Mar 4-6, 2019.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum recorded, 20.4 mg/L, Jan 15, 2011; minimum recorded, 1.6 mg/L, Jun 18, 2011.
TURBIDITY: Maximum recorded, 2,380 FNU, Jun 26, 2015, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum recorded, 0.0 FNU, many days, 2013 (+/- 2.0 FNU).
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum daily, 1,670 uS/cm, Mar. 1, 2013; minimum daily, 210 uS/cm, Aug. 26, 2017.
pH: Maximum daily, 8.3 standard units, several days, 2011; minimum daily, 7.3 standard units, May 27, 2013, Nov. 1-2, 2013, but may have been lower during periods of missing record.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum daily, 31.3 °C, Jul. 23, 2011; minimum daily, 0.0 °C, several days, 2009, 2010, many days, 2011, Feb. 26-27, 2013, many days, 2014, Feb. 20, 28, 2015, Jan. 18-23, 2016, Jan 12, 14-17, 2018, Jan 30-31, Feb 8, 2019.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum daily, 16.5 mg/L, Jan. 13-15, 2011; minimum daily, 4.5 mg/L, Jul. 16, 2011.
TURBIDITY: Maximum daily, 1,050 FNU, Sep. 1, 2010, but may have been higher during periods of missing record; minimum daily, 0.0 FNU, Oct. 28, 2012 (+/- 2.0 FNU).