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LOCATION.--Lat 38°50'41" long 75°39'56", Hydrologic Unit 02060008, 1.3 mi northeast of Adamsville. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Drilled, observation, water-table well, depth 20 ft; casing diameter 4 in., to 13.2 ft; well point from 13.2 to 18.2 ft. GAGE.--Equipped with digital water-level recorder--60 min recorder interval from July 10, 2001 to current year. Monthly measurements with electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Elevation of land surface is 56 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, from topographic map. Measuring point: Top of recorder platform, 3.75 ft above land surface. PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 2001 to current year. REMARKS.--U.S. Geological Survey water-level telemeter at well. COOPERATION.--Funding for the operation of this station is provided by the Delaware Geological Survey, and the U. S. Geological Survey.